Fraudsters' new text message scam

Fraudsters are using specialist software to target victims by 'spoof' text message.
Financial Fraud Action UK has reported a new scam which tricks victims into handing over banking security details through spoof text messages.
The texts appear to be sent from the victim’s bank claiming that the recipient’s account or account details need to be updated.
They encourage people to call a number or visit a website stating that the matter is urgent. What the recipient doesn’t know is that the number or website is controlled by the fraudster, allowing them to steal security details which can then be used to access the recipient’s bank account to steal money.
Scammers use specialist software which alters the sender ID on the message so that it appears as the name of the victim’s bank, adding it to any existing message threads on the recipient’s phone.
The texts warn that the victim will soon get a call from, ironically, the bank’s fraud department. Again, it’s the fraudster controlling the call and tricking the victim into handing over their security details.
Fraudsters are also sending scam texts which appear to be from a landline number, asking the victim to call their bank. It’s hoped that the victim will call the number it came from (the fraudster’s) rather than the bank’s customer service line.
How to avoid this text scam
Financial Fraud Action UK has some advice to avoid falling victim to this scam.
- As always, be suspicious of any text message that asks you to make transactions or provide sensitive personal information and passwords.
- If you’re asked to call the number given in a text message and the number is unknown or suspicious, call your bank on a number you trust to check whether or not the message is legitimate.
- Don’t call the phone number a text has been sent from. Call the bank on a number you trust.
Remember that your bank will never ask you for your PIN or your online banking password, even by typing it on a keypad. It won’t ever ask you to update your details by following a link in a text message or tell you over the phone how to respond to a text message confirming a transaction.
It won’t ask you to transfer money to a new account for fraud reasons either, even it says it’s in your name.
Read our guide for more on How to avoid scams and rip-offs.
More on scams:
Identity theft: what to do if you’re a victim of ID fraud
Most Recent
I little bit of typo there...... An Email not AND and Playing not Paying.... new keyboard and not reading it through before posting... :)
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KEnnethRaine... let me get this right, someone sends you and email or a text and it's Microsoft and Apples fault if you reply??? what if I send you a Letter via the post is that Royal Mails fault if you reply? It's social engineering not hacking or hitting IT /PC security faults, the same as blagging your way onto a night club when you weren't 18... These people are paying with peoples trust not the PC / Telephone / Text....
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The public are constantly warned about these scams , but what are the network security experts doing? Apple for one who along with microsoft rolled out PCs too quickly neglecting security[ they must have done or there wouldn,t be a market for companies who sell it ] A special button on devices to press, so that networks can be alerted by the receiver as a check, is worth considering. From that point discrimination of the legality of the caller to be electronically deciphered.
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10 June 2015