Energy market reforms will raise prices, claim big six providers

The 'big six' energy suppliers claim Ofgem's plans to simplify the UK energy market will raise prices and reduce choice.
Reforms of the energy market, to limit the number of tariffs energy providers can offer, will simply reduce choice and raise prices.
That's according to the 'big six' energy providers: British Gas, SSE, npower, EDF, E.ON and Scottish Power.
Fewer tariffs for simpler comparison
At present, households can choose from hundreds of different energy tariffs from dozens of different suppliers. Unfortunately, thanks to 'paralysis by analysis', this complexity creates a market too difficult for many of us to navigate. So in an attempt to create a more competitive, open and transparent market, energy regulator Ofgem wants energy suppliers to simplify their tariffs. You can read more in New rules to limit energy tariffs suppliers can offer
In February of last year, the watchdog even threatened to impose price controls on the 'big six' unless they overhauled their tariffs. In spite of this clear threat from Ofgem, it took seven months for first mover E.ON to reduce its number of tariffs to five last September, as I explained in Simpler energy bills won't mean lower prices.
The Big Six lash out
However, in order to keep control of their lucrative market, the major energy providers have now gone on the attack.
They claim that Ofgem's latest reforms to clean up the energy market are flawed, warning that fewer tariffs could deliver higher prices and less choice to consumers. What's more, in a frankly bizarre argument, the six claim that reducing the number of industry tariffs could lead to a fall-off in switching between tariffs and suppliers.
Of course, there is an argument that limiting suppliers to a choice of only four tariffs could stifle innovation. However, since when has any innovation in energy pricing led to lower prices for consumers, rather than higher profits for suppliers?
What's more, the argument that prices could rise if tariffs are scrapped is both dishonest and hypocritical. As I warned last October, "...any wily marketing department [at the 'big six'] worth its salt would use this re-pricing exercise as an opportunity to sneak up prices across the board, rather than lowering them and losing revenue." In other words, if prices do rise, then this would largely be due to the providers' own greed.
Another spurious argument is that prices will converge, leaving little incentive for consumers to shop around for cheaper tariffs. If prices do start 'bunching' for standard tariffs, surely 'ditching and switching' will become easier after tariff simplification, not harder?
Simplify our bills
In my view, the energy market will continue to be baffling and obscure until Ofgem orders the key players to simplify their bills, as well as their tariffs.
As I argued last July in The best and worst energy bills, the quality and usefulness of the information in the bills generated by energy companies vary enormously. Until Ofgem stamps out this widespread use of 'confusion marketing', we will continue to receive obscure, opaque and complicated energy bills.
To improve consumer confidence and stimulate switching, simple and transparent bills must be a regulatory priority.
Compare gas and electricity tariffs
More on energy:
The alternatives to the big six energy providers
How to cut your Economy 7 bill
How to save money on your oil bill
EDF most complained-about energy supplier
How to complain about your energy supplier
How energy firms disguise their profits
Where to get help with paying your energy bills
Most Recent
Yeap, just got the nPower paperwork through to say they'll be stopping the two tier tariff and employing the good old standing charge. As I only have a gas hob and spend about £3 a year on gas this will rise to £170. (40p +VAT standing charge, per day! - What a rip-off!) Called them to say to remove my meter, which will be done on 29th April. Why don't they just scrap all the marketing people, sales people, useless do-nothing-ers staff and just concentrate on the lowest price, one per supplier and add more competition. The energy market at the moment is no different than going into to a supermarket to buy a can of beans and find they sell the same beans at 50 different prices with a 100 caveats. What we need is a good, not-for-profit supplier (bill taker)...
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Hey Cliff, I haven't seen a house price article from you in a while. I do recall you predicting falls in January 2012 (prices are up by 2.2% since then). Mind you, you've predicted falls every year and been wrong almost every year. Have you given up on your prediction of a second property price crash? 6th October 2009. Get ready for the housing crash part ll by Cliff D'arcy Prices are up 3% since then. Not relevant to the story above so apologies to anyone not interested.
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Apparently this now gives Energy suppliers free range to go back to their "standing charges", which means as if it's not bad enough paying through the nose for energy you do use, you now have to pay even if you use nothing at all. N Power, for example, charges 55p a day for gas and 50p for electricity (including VAT), meaning that you pay £365 a year, even if you don't actually use any of either. I was told by E-On that this was what Ofgem had told them to do to simplify their tariffs, which Ofgem have denied saying that they made no mention of bringing back these standing charges. It's a bloody shambles, and typical of Thatcher's god awful legacy.
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03 April 2013