Easy ways to make money
From renting your drive to selling your hair, here are some more unusual ways to earn a bit of extra cash.
- 1. Rent out your parking space
- 2. Go mystery shopping
3. Rent out your garden
- 4. Be in the movies
- 5. Sell your photos online
- 6. Do online surveys
- 7. Get paid to listen to music
- 8. Turn your home into a film set
- 9. Sell your hair
- 10. Go dog walking with a difference
More on making a bit of extra money
1. Rent out your parking space
If you have a parking space or driveway with some space, you’re in a strong position to make some easy money.
There are several agencies, including YourParkingSpace and ParkatmyHouse that match motorists looking for parking with homeowners who can oblige.
What you’ll earn will depend on location, demand and the security of the parking slot. Prime locations include major cities (especially spaces near tube or train stations), as well as slots near major sporting or concert venues.
Time spent? 30-45 minutes initial set-up, plus dealing with driver enquiries.
Money earned? £100-£200+ a month.
2. Go mystery shopping
Mystery shopping is a tactic employed by marketing agencies to assess the quality of retail services. Individuals are paid to go into a shop, or any other place of business, posing as a normal customer, and give feedback on specific aspects of the businesses performance.
Two of the agencies we know people have used are Grassroots and ESA. You can expect to earn about £10 a job and they primarily involve going to the local bank to ask basic account related queries, or visiting a shop or supermarket to make a complaint or assess displays or staff attitudes. Results are then entered online, within 24 hours of making the visit.
Once registered you are sent emails when jobs come up in your area. They are run on a first come first served basis, and you can miss out if you are not quick. If you have a Smartphone you can access the sites on the move, and increase your chances of landing a job.
Time spent? As much or as little as you want.
Money earned? £10+ a job.
3. Rent out your garden
If you’re not going to use some or all of it yourself, why not rent it out to someone else? SpareGround is a great website to help you do this as it’s an easy way to advertise your garden to rent. What’s more, it’s free to sign up.
Time spent? A few hours to allocate a space and draw up a contract.
Money earned? An allotment plot costs up to £30 a year, so it's not a huge money-spinner, but you might get some of your tenant's produce for free.
4. Be in the movies
Being a film and TV extra is hard work, but it’s also lucrative and can be good fun. No acting experience is required, and you don’t need Hollywood looks to be taken seriously!
Try FilmExtras or 2020Casting for starters - or Uni-versal Extras if you’re a student.
Time spent? As much or as little as you want.
Money earned? Typically £80-£100 a day.
5. Sell your photos online
This will work best if you’re a decent photographer and enjoy taking pictures anyway.
There are now several stock photography agencies who’ll pay you for snaps on a per-download basis (and in exchange for their other royalty payment rights). Some of the most established are Fotolia, PictureNation and iStockPhoto.
Time spent? Variable, depending on whether you already have a photo archive.
Money earned? Also variable - this sort of moneymaking can have a long ‘tail’ (after the initial effort, you can sit back, do nothing and watch the pennies mount up).
6. Do online surveys
Many marketing firms will pay you to complete an online survey. These surveys can take between 10 minutes and half an hour and you’ll usually earn between 50p and £10 per survey. You can sign up at numerous sites such as YouGov, Panelbase and Toluna.
Make sure you sign up to a registration-free website and avoid signing up to American websites as you’ll probably need an American bank account. It’s also worth opening an email account specifically for registration purposes as you’re likely to receive a lot of mail once your email address is out there!
Time spent? As much or as little as you want.
Money earned? Not a huge money-spinner, unless you spend a lot of time doing them - £20-£30 or so a month perhaps.
7. Get paid to listen to music
If you’re a music buff, you can earn a few pounds doing the thing you love. The SliceThePie website lets you earn money reviewing music as an online ‘scout’.
You’ll review random anonymous tracks, and be paid for each one. The downside is, you can’t choose the songs - or even the genres - you want to listen to.
Time spent? As much or as little as you want.
Money earned? The pay is poor (typically 5p-25p per song you review), so this is only for those who’d enjoy it as a hobby anyway.
8. Turn your home into a film set
On a related note, you’ll earn big bucks if you can convince someone to use your home as a filming location.
Many TV series, films and adverts use perfectly normal homes - so you don’t need to be the owner of a grade I listed building.
To find out more, contact an independent agency like Lavish Locations to see if it’s a feasible proposition. Also try Amazing Space.
Time spent? 45 minutes initial registration, plus the time and disruption associated with any actual shoot.
Money earned? The typical minimum location fee is £500 a day. If your property is used in a big budget film, you could pocket £2,000 a day or even more.
9. Sell your hair
If you're prepared to sacrifice your hair, you could cut if off and sell it to a wig manufacturer. However, you'll need to make sure your hair is untreated by chemicals used in perms or dyes, and your hair should be clean and healthy.
You're likely to get a better price if your hair is long. It's worth contacting a wig seller before you make the cut, and advertise it well online, including plenty of photos and an accurate description.
Time spent? 2-3 hours (depending on how long your hair is).
Money earned? Up to £100, again depending on the length of your hair.
10. Go dog walking with a difference
This last one is for those of you who already walk their own dogs.
In a nutshell, charge to take other people’s dogs for a walk at the same time you take yours. You’re spending that time with your pooch anyway, and if you’re confident in handling more than one dog at a time, it could be a nice little earner.
Just make sure the other people are happy for their dogs to be walked together!
Time spent? 1-2 hours daily.
Money earned? Usually up to £10 per hour, per dog.
Hopefully there’s something in this weird mix that appeals to you. Good luck!
This is a classic lovemoney article that has been updated
More on making a bit of extra money
The Rent a Room scheme: make tax-free cash from your spare room
Most Recent
What a load of old tosh - rent out your house as a film set!! Be a movie extra etc. Or why not sell your old CDs for 60p each? Well that's made me about £60, but hardly going to be enough to top up my pension fund is it, and not exactly a repeatable source of revenue! You could just has easily have said - sell your sofa and your bed, as an easy way to make a few hundred quid.
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Finally a list of things you can do COMPLETE with the likely amounts you can earn AND the amount of time taken to do them, what better way of calculating their true worth!
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I did some mystery shopping whilst I was doing my training for photography qualification, which helped me pay for my courses to enable me to set up my wedding and portrait photography business several years ago. Check out Retail Eyes for mystery shopping in your area.
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28 November 2011