How to get your Glastonbury 2013 tickets

If you're keen to make sure you don't miss out on going to Glastonbury festival next year, here's the full guide on how to get your tickets.
As another summer of live music comes to an end, it’s now time to start planning for next year because if you want to go to Glastonbury you’ll need to have registered for a ticket by the end of September.
Next year's event at Worthy Farm takes place from Wednesday 26 June to Monday 1 July, and if you want to be there you need to start thinking about it now.
How do I get tickets?
Tickets go on sale at 9am on Sunday 7 October, and as the event wasn’t on this year there’s expected to be a higher demand for tickets than normal.
To be in with a chance of buying a ticket you need to pre-register on the website first. This is pretty easy and all you need to do it enter a few personal details and upload a photo.
Once complete you’ll be emailed a registration number which you’ll need when buying your tickets, and you must make sure you do this by 5pm on Sunday 30 September.
How much will it cost?
The final price for each ticket will be £205 with £11 added on in postage and booking fees bringing the total to £216. This includes a free programme and children under 12 can go free.
Credit cards won’t be accepted so you can either pay by debit card or Bankers Drafts and Postal Orders. If you go for the later, they need to be made out by the bank or building society to Glastonbury Festival 2013 Ltd and received together with your booking reference number (given on the phone) within five working days.
You won’t have to fork out the full whack in one go in October as there is a deposit scheme in action. This means you’ll need to pay a £50 deposit, either on the phone (0844 412 4635) or on the website and the full amount next year.
The website will reopen for a week on 2 April and this is when you’ll need to pay the rest of the cash as well as completing other bookings such as coach and campervan tickets. It will cost £25 for a car, £85 for a campervan and £950 for a Tipi.
After this time all tickets bought (if there are any left) will have to be paid in full.
How many can I buy?
Each person can buy up to eight tickets at a time but in order to buy a ticket you need to register. This means if you’re calling up and buying more than one ticket, you need to be able to give the personalised registration numbers for each person going.
Can I get a refund at a later date?
Full refunds are allowed until Friday 3 May but a £10 administration fee will be charged. Each ticket will have a photo and individual reference number on, so you won’t be able to sell them on. There will also be checks when you arrive to make sure you’re using the correct ticket.
If you pay the deposit and then change your mind about the ticket, £40 will be given back to you.
The weather at Glastonbury is traditionally pretty awful, so make sure you read our article on how to get a refund if an event is cancelled because of the weather for your rights on getting your money back as a result of rain.
Ticket touts
Because each ticket will have a photo on, this limits the number which will be resold by ticket touts. However, as with any major event there will probably be a number of fake tickets in circulation as fraudsters try and con people out of their money.
To avoid being scammed, make sure you only buy your tickets through the official website and steer clear of any clone sites. Fake sites can look very convincing but there are several things to watch out for, such as if the tickets are unusually cheap, or the website is selling tickets for a sold out event.
Who will be playing?
Sadly, no one knows this yet as the organisers are keeping details of the line-up top secret. However, The Stone Roses, The Rolling Stones, Prince, Radiohead and Adele have all been mentioned as potential acts.
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