The most desirable property 'extras' revealed

When it comes to a little something extra to seal the sale of a property, solar panels are apparently top of the list.
Solar panels have surprisingly been named as the most desirable property ‘extra’ in a new survey.
The research, by ING Direct, asked people what smaller things – excluding basics such as price, location and condition – would tip them towards a particular property.
And it seems many people are attracted by the idea of having an energy-generating installation at home, with 38% of those surveyed saying it would be their number one extra.
Over 360,000 homes now use solar power, according to the Department of Energy and Climate Energy, which is a fourfold increase on last year.
Weekly bin collections and a satellite TV connection came in joint second place. Many councils have moved to fortnightly bin collections to save money and encourage more recycling.
Here are the top ten most desirable property extras:
- Solar panels
- Weekly bin collections
- Satellite TV connection
- Greenhouse
- Walk-in wardrobe
- Good 3G signal
- Giant bathtub
- Outdoor power supply
- Pantry or larder
- Garden pond
With so many mobile phones in use, it’s a surprise to see a good phone signal only in sixth place, particularly as it would mean you’d need to switch provider if it was poor.
Apparently dining room hatches were the most popular extra in the 1960s, while double glazing was the most desirable mod-con in the 80s.
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With reference to: "Here are the top ten most desirable property extras: (6) Good 3G signal"..... followed by: "With so many mobile phones in use, it’s a surprise to see a good phone signal only in sixth place...." Phone signal and 3G signal are not the same - here's a quote from : "...3G mobile broadband coverage is different to mobile phone coverage so you should check both individually before buying."
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Well, what utter morons people are! Solar panels will prove unaffordable and the grants will be cut off , as in Germany. They will cost a lot to remove and scrap. Weekly bin collections will add to Council Tax and are uneccessary, if you recyle efficiently, weekly bin collections are for idiots that throw everything away. Satellote TV? , use the internet you idiots. Greenhouse, very good but do not cost alot and possible it is a crap metal one when you need a cedar one, and are usually too small. ( not mine) Walk in wordrobe? You have too many clothes and must be a capitalist pig. 3G - what is it? Giant bathtub? Are you on the same planet as the Climate Change gang? Ot door power supply? no problem . Take an extenion reel and plug it in the kitchen you idiot. Larder? You need a pre WW2 house- sorry. All the room has gone into living space Pond? Bizarre. I have one and I dug it is a day or two and lined t for £150. Not a big deal when buying a house worth £500,000 ( as mine is - no mortage either) What a lot of crap! What people want is a location that is going to increase in value, have no chavs, has professional types living there with a decent number of cars and NO b**ody vans parked around , no screaming kids and people that know how to behave. That is all I need, luckily I have it- no larder though Boo Hoo. I use the garage for my freezer, but it is quite large. The other car has to stay in one of my car ports.
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That is a very strange list. I would place none of those items in my top 20 requirements. But then, I find most of the extras on most modern cars little more than annoying clutter. On the very few occasions when I have been involved with house sales/purchases I have been aware that the desirable extras have been in fact the lack of undesirable extras. I.E a blank canvas. The addition of some of these can restrict the range of people who may consider a purchase and most of the others are easily added if required.
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17 September 2012