Council tax discount to be scrapped for second homes in Cornwall

Cornwall becomes the first county to attempt to scrap second home council tax discounts.
Second homes in Cornwall may no longer be able to benefit from a 10% council tax discount after a vote today by the Cornwall Council cabinet.
There could also be a 150% charge levied on houses in the area which are left vacant for two years or more.
Cornwall is the first county to propose scrapping the second home discount and it’s possible others, including those in London, are soon to follow.
Although this has been voted on by the cabinet, the plans will now have to go through a scrutiny committee and the full council will take a vote on 11th December before anything becomes final.
If they are agreed the changes should take place on 1st April.
Holiday homes in Cornwall
Cornwall has one of the highest percentages of these homes with 3,200 currently not being used at all and 14,400 registered as second homes.
There is also a housing shortage in Cornwall so the move will help alleviate this as well as creating around £4 million for the council.
Houses which are undergoing major repairs will also be liable to more council tax. Currently those with major repairs being carried out have a 100% discount for the first 12 months but this is expected to be cut to 50%.
Council tax discount
Council tax is paid depending on how much a property is worth. Different values are seperated into bands and one rate is paid for a first home, with certain discounts available for example for full-time students, and a discount is applied on second properties.
However, last year Communities Secretary Eric Pickles announced new plans to give local authorities the power to charge second home owners the full rate of council tax.
Discounts of up to 50% are available on second homes but many people think this is unfair. Second home owners have also been accused of driving up the price of property across the UK and pricing many local residents out of the market.
Do you agree with these changes? Or should second homeowners be entitled to a council tax discount? Let us know in the comment box below.
More on council tax:
How to slash your council tax bill
Where council tax is rising and falling next year
Council tax rebanding: the risks
Most Recent
Talent!! Get real, It has nothing to do with being able to afford a second home or anything else. The principle is about local regimes that waste money hand over fist looking for ways to extort even more out of its captives so they end up with even more to waste. If they want to start extorting money out of people with second homes then start with their mates like Cameron and the royals that should keep the busy for a while. Really the only people who normally think like you are those who live on benefits and get everything free!!!
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If you can afford a second home then you can afford to pay the consequences. If you don't like the way the country is run.... get political. One thing is for sure, you will always be glad you was born English!
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well the royals and some politicians have a cunning plan regarding council tax they simply just say the palaces, no 10 and 11 downing st,chequers etc belong to the nation, not them..and they need them to fulfill their duties just considering whether to put a guard in a whopping great furry hat in a cramped garden shed with no door..or a copper with a boob shaped style helmet outside my front door, and go and cut some ribbons,pull some curtains open,have a chat with unclothed jungle dwellers, pretend to jokingly nearly chop someones head off with big sword,whilst they grovel at my feet.. or lean on a desk, argue a lot ,blame previous lean on desk types for the mess were in,claim expenses for pads i don't use,duck ponds i don't have,transport i dont use,,dictate to the electorate,how great i am,and only i can save you all from doom to see if i can become exempt from said council tax,,because my dwelling will belong to the nation,when i am admitted to the twilight home for the disallusioned.. we can't beat them,may as well join them in it together..
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30 November 2012