How to retire earlier: workplace pensions, SIPPs and Government help

Want to spend less time working and more time living? Here are our top tips for securing the dream of an early retirement.
- Retiring early
- Don’t rely on the State Pension
- Start saving young
- Join your workplace pension scheme
- Start a personal pension
- Increase your contributions in the good times
- Engage with your savings
- Keep an eye on pension fund fees
- Keep track of all your pots
- Invest in retirement – and access your funds gradually
- Watch out for those debts
- Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
Retiring early
We'd all like to be able to retire at an age when we can enjoy that free time.
But is it still possible to retire in your 50s?
If you want to retire early, you’ll need to ensure you have enough money to live on for the rest of your life, before you stop working.
This means building up a decent amount of savings to generate an income to live on.
Here are some tips to help you on your way.
Don’t rely on the State Pension
The State Pension is only paid out when you hit the State Pension age which means you will have to wait until your mid-to-late-60s to get access to it.
Some of us will now not be able to access it until we reach 67 or 68.
You can check what your State Pension age will be here.
However, you can access pension savings in a workplace pension or personal scheme at the age of 55, through pension freedoms, so if you want to retire early this is where you should focus your attention.
That said, to boost the money you get in retirement you should make sure you will get the full State Pension, which is currently just over £220 a week and requires 35 years of contributions.
Take a look at How to get a State Pension forecast and The State Pension explained to see where you stand.
If you missed out on making contributions to your State Pension, for example if you were having a family and not working or living abroad, you can top up your State Pension by buying additional years.
Start saving young
The best time to start saving for a pension is obviously when you’re young, especially if you have hopes of retiring early.
That’s because whatever you save will benefit from the effects of compound interest and have more time to grow into something substantial by the time you are ready to stop working.
That said, in your 20s and 30s you will have other financial priorities like saving for a house rather than locking into a pension you won’t see the benefit from for decades. But putting away anything you can will help you in the long run.
Pensions specialist Royal London has put together a guide on exactly how much you need to save at different ages.
For £300,000 – a comfortable but not spectacular retirement based on a £27,000 annual income – a typical worker would need to save 16% of their income if they started in their 20s.
Delay saving until your 30s and that figure shoots up to 23%.
Of course, to retire early you'll need to save considerably more than those figures.
What kind of lifestyle will you want?
Consider what kind of lifestyle you might expect to have in retirement and what income you might need to sustain it.
The Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association's (PLSA) research into retirement living standards suggests an individual would require £31,300 a year to fund a moderate retirement or £43,100 annually for a more comfortable one, while a couple would need £43,100 or £59,000 for a more lavish retirement.
A moderate retirement income would enable you to eat out regularly, for example, while a more comfortable one factors in an annual overseas holiday and UK mini break, as well as streaming services.
Renting or mortgage-free in retirement?
Would you still be renting or paying a mortgage? If you intend to pay off your mortgage before retirement then you will obviously need far less income.
However, there is also the option of living more frugally in retirement as you may have fewer costs than you would while working and raising a family.
The PLSA also calculates that a more frugal retirement could be funded with a modest income of £14,400 a year for an individual or £22,400 for a couple. This would fund eating out once a month, as well as cheaper leisure activities and hobbies.
Join your workplace pension scheme
All employers have to offer a workplace pension to almost all workers.
The auto enrolment scheme means you pay in at least 5% of your salary and your employer must top that up by at least an extra 3%, taking total contributions to 8%.
Some employers may have a more generous pension payment matching scheme.
While still a tough ask, shaving a few years off your retirement age suddenly seems a little more attainable, when you consider this extra help.
You are able to opt out of a workplace pension scheme, but if you do you will be giving up what is essentially free money from your employer and the Government.
Start a personal pension
If you don’t have access to a workplace pension scheme yet or, if you want to go the extra mile, start a personal pension.
You will get tax relief on the contributions you make, which go into an investment fund.
If you fancy really taking control of your pension planning, you might want to consider a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP), which allows you to decide exactly where your cash is invested.
You can learn more about how they work in our guide to taking control of your own pensions.
Work out your cashflow in retirement
It's a good idea to work out what your cashflow forecast might be in retirement to see if you will be able to afford things such as regular holidays, a new car and meals out.
This takes into account your income and any outgoings you may have.
You can get a financial advisor to do it for you or use software such as Pocketsmith or Intuit.
Increase your contributions in the good times
It's not rocket science but, to boost your pension savings, whether in a workplace pension or personal pension, you should contribute more when times are good.
This will in turn make up for any times you need to cut back on your payments because of other financial pressures.
Have a look at this workplace pension contributions calculator or the Hargreaves Lansdown pension calculator to see what impact adjusting your contributions will have to your savings.
Make sure that when you get a payrise you increase your pension contributions if you can - and avoid the temptation of increasing the cost of your lifestyle in accordance with your pay increment, which is all too easy to do.
Engage with your savings
Of course, in order to reach early retirement, it’s not enough to put that money in your pension and hope that it performs well – in order to get the most out of your pension contributions, you really need to engage with your pension.
You should regularly – but not too regularly – look at how your fund is performing, and if it’s not up to scratch, don’t be afraid to move it elsewhere!
Keep an eye on pension fund fees
Millions of workers could be delaying the age they retire thanks to high pension management fees, according to research from Profile Financial.
It found that over £2 billion is being wasted every year through excessively high charges, which on average are 1.47% for 35 and 45-year-olds or 1.85% for over 55s.
The average 45-year-old has £32,768 stashed in their pension pot and pays fees of around 1.47%. Should they want to grow this to £50,000 they would need to work until they were 87.
But they could shave 22 years off that by moving to a fund levying a smaller 0.34% fee and save a pot worth the same amount by the age of 65.
The figures highlight how much of an impact fees have on pension savings and how it is crucial to check what you are being charged.
Keep track of all your pots
You might have a pension scheme through your employer and others from previous employers.
Ask the pension scheme administrators for benefits statements, so that you can get a projection of the annual retirement income you'll get from your pensions.
If you don't know what pensions you've got, or can't find them, use the Pension Tracing Service. If that fails, contact your old employers and consider using an unclaimed assets register (more on this here).
Once you find them, you should consider consolidating your pensions to keep better track of them and save on fees.
However, do check what the consequences may be and if there are any costly exit fees. Consolidating pensions works for many people but it isn't for everyone.
Invest in retirement – and access your funds gradually
If you're going to retire early, there's every chance you're planning to keep investing to keep your pot topped up after leaving the workplace.
Obviously investing when you're no longer bringing in a normal salary brings its own challenges, which we run through in this detailed guide to investing in retirement.
Think about how you access your funds
Actually putting the money aside to build up a pension pot is not the whole battle though – the decision you make once you reach retirement can make or break your financial future.
The new pension freedoms mean you can do what you want with your pension savings once you hit the age of 55.
You can choose to take a tax-free lump sum and keep the money invested, withdraw the rest (subject to tax) or buy an annuity. Read an expert's advice on the most tax-efficient way to withdraw your pension here.
Want an annuity?
It's definitely not for everyone, but you could consider buying an annuity that will generate an income for the rest of your life.
If you do go this route, it’s important to shop around for an annuity as the rates can vary greatly.
The worst thing you can possibly do is just accept the quote from the insurer you’ve been saving with – make use of the Open Market Option, and shop around for the best possible deal.
We've put together a straightforward guide to buying an annuity here.
Watch out for those debts
Still having debts to repay when you give up your main source of income is obviously not ideal, so it's worth focusing on clearing your mortgage, any loans or credit card debt before retiring.
That said, it needn't be the end of the world as it is possible to whittle away the remainder of your debts in retirement, as we explain here.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
Pensions are an important part of your retirement savings plan but don’t forget to build on this with a range of other savings and investment vehicles, like ISAs and property.
Assuming you qualify, the Lifetime ISA is a good option as not only is it tax-free, but the Government will actually give you a bonus on what you save – up to £1,000 a year.
The important thing to note is that any withdrawals before age 60 will incur a 25% penalty charge unless you use it for buying a home or another huge life event (like a wedding).
So you should either keep this aside until your 60s or use it as a tool to slash the time it takes to pay for your home.
Remember, you can only get one before you're 40 and can only save £4,000 a year, so you may need to combine it with other ISAs.
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