The pyramid of Giza's secret chamber and other ancient puzzles we'll never solve
History's mysteries

What do the Carnac Stones signify?

What do the Carnac Stones signify?

What do the Carnac Stones signify?

So why did these early people go to so much trouble? Historians and scientists have long puzzled over the purpose of these stones. One researcher claims they were an earthquake detection device, while others say they are temples to honour the ancestors, or some kind of calendar or astrological device. Of course, their use could have changed over the thousand years they were arranged, so perhaps we will never know for sure. What is certain is that they are an awe-inspiring sight.
What happened to the people of Angkor Wat?

What happened to the people of Angkor Wat?

What happened to the people of Angkor Wat?

The city's demise was swift. In the 15th century, battles with the Vietnamese and Thai people proved devastating for the Khmer. But other factors may have come into play too. Did a switch from Hinduism to Buddhism mean the Khmer stopped believing the king was a god, thus causing a lack of unity? Did they cut down too much jungle and cause the paddy fields to silt up and so denude their food resource? We don't know but, by 1450, Angkor Wat had almost become a ghost town.
Is Gobekli Tepe the Garden of Eden?

Is Gobekli Tepe the Garden of Eden?

Is Gobekli Tepe the Garden of Eden?

This amazing site was built before the use of the wheel, cloth, metal tools, fire, pottery and domesticated animals. So could it be the Garden of Eden, as mentioned in the Book of Genesis? The Bible makes no mention of built structures in the Garden and it claims Adam and Eve were banished and were not allowed to return so could not have built anything later. Nevertheless, the extreme age of Gobekli Tepe must make it the oldest human site yet discovered.
Why is the Bent Pyramid this shape?

Why is the Bent Pyramid this shape?

The outside view shows the lower part of the pyramid was constructed in the usual style but something happened to make the builders abruptly change the angle of the slope. Perhaps the sudden death of the person the tomb was built for meant the builders had to finish quickly. Or the collapse of another pyramid being built at the same time made the builders aware of a flaw in the design. Or was this just a prototype, a way of learning valuable lessons on the way to the later pyramid masterpieces?
What is the meaning of the Pictish stones?

What is the meaning of the Pictish stones?

What is the meaning of the Pictish stones?

The stones may be markers of territory or they might be tombstones, with the symbols representing married couples or clans. The stones might even be political statements opposing the growth of the new religion of Christianity. Maybe the symbols were some kind of writing that we cannot interpret. Perhaps we will never know their meaning, nor the lives behind their mysterious creators. Now discover the world's most beautiful ancient ruined cities.
What was the purpose of the Plain of Jars?

What was the purpose of the Plain of Jars?

What was the purpose of the Plain of Jar

How were these jars, some weighing 30 tonnes, transported from their quarry about five miles (8km) away? Were they carved out at the quarry then rolled to their resting place? This area is still being excavated, but it seems there are many more places which hold these jars – possibly up to 90 sites. We know nothing of the people who created them, yet it was a feat of great organisation, technical skill and immense hard work. The jars remain today a strange and wonderful sight.
Why was Teotihuacan abandoned?

Just 30 miles (48km) north of Mexico City lies an abandoned ruined city covering eight square miles (20sq km). Its pyramids and palaces, roads and irrigations systems lie deserted as they did in the 12th century AD, when the Aztecs came upon the place. The Aztecs named it Teotihuacan or ‘the place where one becomes a god’, but we do not know what the people who built the city called it, since they left no written record. They abandoned the place around AD 700 and took their secrets with them.
Why was Teotihuacan abandoned?

Why was Teotihuacan abandoned?

Just 100 years later, Teotihuacan was deserted. What happened to this amazing civilisation? It’s possible that soil erosion meant that people were no longer able to feed themselves and this could have caused civil war. Perhaps they were attacked by outside tribes. We do know a fire swept through the city and the people left. Although investigations at the Pyramid of the Moon continue, we may never know the name of the city or its people, but what they left behind is spectacular.
Do rivers of mercury protect Emperor Qin's tomb complex?

Do rivers of mercury protect Emperor Qin's tomb complex?

Do rivers of mercury protect Emperor Qin's tomb complex?

The Chinese government has decided it's wise to leave the tomb unopened until they know more about it. The ancient Chinese thought mercury bestowed eternal life and Emperor Qin reportedly drank it every day – probably the cause of his death. If the ground is contaminated with mercury it would be dangerous to enter, not to mention the risk of booby-trapped cross bows. It looks like a case for Indiana Jones perhaps? Love this? Now check out new secrets of the world's ancient wonders revealed.
How does Newgrange channel the winter solstice?

How does Newgrange channel the winter solstice?

Newgrange is located in County Meath and consists of a large circular mound 279 feet (85m) in diameter and around 42 feet (13m) high with a 62-foot (19m) stone passageway and chambers inside. The mound is ringed by 97 large kerbstones, some beautifully decorated. It’s now also thought that the structure was not just a tomb, but more like a cathedral – a place for worship and religious ceremonies. The bones of the community’s elite were buried here, illuminated every winter solstice by a beautiful beam of light.
Why did the Easter Islanders turn on their statues?

Why did the Easter Islanders turn on their statues?

Why did the Easter Islanders turn on their statues?

By the 18th century, the population of Easter Island was reduced to 600 and the people had turned on the statues and even started to topple them. Could deforestation have led to civil war, starvation and anger against the old gods? Perhaps without trees, the islanders had to spend time providing habitats for the birds they revered, which left no time for building. Whatever the reason, the stupendous monuments remain a wonder. Now see incredible ancient wonders rebuilt before your eyes.
Why is there a great void in the pyramid of Giza?

The Great Pyramid of Giza has been so carefully studied that one might think there are no secrets left to be discovered. However new techniques have enabled scientists to penetrate inside the pyramid’s structure in areas which have no outside access. Subatomic particles called muons move more easily through empty space than through solid structures – so by bombarding the ancient pyramids with these particles and tracking them, experts can get a better picture of what lies within. What they've found is amazing.
Why is there a great void in the pyramid of Giza?

Why is there a great void in the pyramid of Giza?

One suggestion is that it was an internal ramp used to move the massive blocks of stone to the top of the pyramid. The idea that it might be a hidden tomb containing artefacts is improbable, but we are not likely to know any time soon as the Egyptian authorities will probably never give permission for drilling to access the Great Void. In the meantime, we will just have to use our imaginations. Discover more of Egypt's mysteries here.
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