Famous treasure hunts that have cost people their lives
loveEXPLORING staff
05 May 2022
The ill-fated escapades that have claimed the most lives
Courtesy Forrest Fenn estate
Oak Island Money Pit
Oak Island Money Pit
Vasilyev Alexandr/Shutterstock
Oak Island Money Pit
Courtesy Oak Island Treasure PD
Oak Island Money Pit
Lake Toplitz Nazi treasure
hl 1001 Flickr CC
Lake Toplitz Nazi treasure
Courtesy Silkborg Bunker Museum
Lake Toplitz Nazi treasure
Walter Quirtmair/Shutterstock
Lake Toplitz Nazi treasure
Werner Mueller Flickr CC
Lake Toplitz Nazi treasure
Cahuenga Pass treasure
PD-1923 Ashley Van Haeften Flickr CC
Cahuenga Pass treasure
PD-1923 TravelingMan Flickr CC
Cahuenga Pass treasure
PD-1923 Ashley Van Haeften Flickr CC
Cahuenga Pass treasure
PD-1923 Ashley Van Haeften Flickr CC
Cahuenga Pass treasure
Pasco Scott Flickr CC
Tutankhamun's tomb
PD-1923 New York Times Wikimedia Commons
Tutankhamun's tomb
PD-1923 Henry Burton Wikimedia Commons
Tutankhamun's tomb
PD-1923 Library of Congress
Tutankhamun's tomb
Tutankhamun's tomb
Dave Thompson/PA
Lost Dutchman's gold mine
Ray Harlan & Sonny PD-1923
Lost Dutchman's gold mine
Courtesy Aaron Ruth
Lost Dutchman's gold mine
Jake Case/Shutterstock
Lost Dutchman's gold mine
Tom Roche/Shutterstock
Lost Dutchman's gold mine
Courtesy Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
Forrest Fenn's treasure
Courtesy Old Sante Fe Trading Co.
Forrest Fenn's treasure
Courtesy Forrest Fenn estate
Forrest Fenn's treasure
Courtesy GoFundMe
Forrest Fenn's treasure
Courtesy Connection Church via YouTube
Forrest Fenn's treasure
Forrest Fenn's treasure
Forrest Fenn's treasure
Courtesy Forrest Fenn estate
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