The perks of being President of the United States
All the President's men... and women, and planes, and cars...

Air Force One

Incredible interior

Trump's plane legacy

The Trump administration negotiated a new deal with Boeing to produce the next versions of the "airborne Oval Offices" for $3.9 billion (£2.86bn), set to be complete in 2024. While they are set to feature many of the same technical capabilities, it had been reported that Trump planned for these planes to be painted a bold red, white and blue colour scheme, rather than the duck-egg blue as it has done since John F. Kennedy's time as President. However, now that Joe Biden is stepping into the top job that could change.
The helicopters

The Beast

Trump's version of the limousine-style car was delivered in 2018 with a $1.5 million (£1.1m) price tag. That's not all. The bespoke car is part of a fleet of 12, which cost around $15.8 million (£11.6m). The armour is at least five inches thick to protect against attack and the tyres can keep on rolling even when punctured. It can even shoot tear-gas and smoke grenades! Extras include an oxygen supply, firefighting function and even a supply of the President’s blood type in the boot.
Ground Force One

Joe Biden will be familiar with these two buses from his time as Veep. Introduced during Obama's presidency when the President was travelling the country prior to the 2012 election campaign, these two black armoured buses are used for the President and dignitaries alike. Lacking any logos, the sleek black vehicles are part of the federal government fleet. Known as Ground Force One, each one costs a little over $1 million (£730k).
The living quarters

Only enter with permission

Redecoration budget

Never a dull moment

Your favourite things come free

West Wing treats

A community garden

Work hard, holiday harder


Food, Glorious Food

Not one, but four guest houses

Pay cheque

The nuclear football

Retirement package

Put it in writing

Many people are fascinated with the lives ex-presidents have led, so what better way than to release a book about their experiences. George W. Bush made $7 million (£5m) for the first 1.5 million copies of Decision Points and Bill Clinton scored a $15 million (£11m) advance for his book My Life. While Barack Obama had a joint book deal with his wife Michelle Obama which was worth a huge $65 million (£48m) when they signed it in 2017. Michelle's book Becoming was released in 2018 and was the best-selling book of that year in the US, and as of November 2020 had sold 14 million copies worldwide.
Appearance money

Lifetime protection

State funeral

Presidential power...

But let’s be honest, the biggest perk of all has got to be the position of power as leader of the world’s most powerful country. As President Joe Biden takes over during the COVID-19 pandemic he has his work cut out, but he has already guaranteed a third round of stimulus payments to help those struggling during this world crisis. Biden has also indicated he will overturn many decisions made by Trump, and is set to put a stop to the Keystone XL pipeline megaproject, and will rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement. But only time will tell what his true legacy in the ultimate US government role will be.
Now take a look at how America's COVID-19 stimulus payments compare to other countries
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