The US states richer than entire countries
The states that outclass whole nations economically

Oregon: $251.6 billion...

The 25th richest state, Oregon has a lucrative mix of traditional industries such as construction, forestry and mining, and cutting-edge industries from IT to advanced and hi-tech manufacturing. Its GDP of $251.6 billion is greater than that of... richer than Iraq: $246.9 billion

Louisiana: $263.9 billion...

The economy of Louisiana is fueled by the state's energy industry, along with tourism, agriculture and fisheries – Louisiana is one of the world's leading producers of crawfish and catfish. Last year, its GDP totaled $263.9 billion, surpassing... richer than the Czech Republic: $259.7 billion

Connecticut: $285.6 billion...

Connecticut certainly lives up to its reputation as an affluent place. The Nutmeg State's key sectors of finance, insurance and real estate generate vast sums of money – its GDP of $285.6 billion eclipses that of... richer than Vietnam: $282.4 billion

Missouri: $332.1 billion... richer than Finland: $289.2 billion

Wisconsin: $347.3 billion...

Renowned for its dairy products, Wisconsin has a substantial farming industry, but manufacturing, IT and tourism are crucial to its economic wellbeing too. The 21st richest state, last year Wisconsin's GDP was $347.3 billion, beating... richer than Bangladesh: $343.3 billion

Arizona: $366.2 billion... richer than Colombia: $352.8 billion

Indiana: $377.1 billion... richer than New Zealand and Ukraine: $372.1 billion

Tennessee: $380.1 billion... richer than Egypt: $331.4 billion

Minnesota: $380.9 billion...

The North Star State has a diverse economy, with a lucrative mix of industries that turn over hundreds of billions of dollars annually. They range from agriculture and mining to biomedical engineering and retail. In 2019, Minnesota's GDP was $380.9 billion, which is larger than that of... richer than Qatar and Kuwait: $347 billion

Colorado: $390.3 billion... richer than Denmark: $364.6 billion

Maryland: $428.3 billion... richer than Singapore: $391.9 billion

Michigan: $541.6 billion... richer than Norway: $438.6 billion

Washington: $599.6 billion... richer than Thailand: $547.4 billion

Virginia: $554.2 billion... richer than Iran and Bahrain: $536.4 billion

While Iran is the ninth largest oil-producing nation in the world, Bahrain is heavily dependent on oil exports, although it's a much smaller player globally. Despite their combined oil wealth, the two countries' GDPs are nearly $20 billion lower than that of Virginia.
North Carolina: $587.7 billion... richer than Ireland and Hungary: $582.9 billion

Massachusetts: $595.6 billion... richer than Belgium: $553.8 billion

Georgia: $616.3 billion... richer than Sweden: $576.7 billion

New Jersey: $644.8 billion... richer than Taiwan: $633.7 billion

Ohio: $698.5 billion... richer than Poland: $643.3 billion

Pennsylvania: $813.5 billion... richer than Switzerland: $740.7 billion

Illinois: $897.1 billion... richer than Saudi Arabia: $790.1 billion

The Prairie State may not be sitting on vast reserves of oil but it's actually more than $100 billion better off than Saudi Arabia. This Gulf country is currently heavily oil-dependent, but it's busy diversifying its economy to reduce its reliance on the commodity, for example by opening its borders to tourists. Although plans to boost tourism had to be put on hold due to coronavirus, the kingdom plans to resume its tourist visa scheme by early 2021.
Florida: $1.09 trillion... richer than the Netherlands: $954.9 billion

New York: $1.73 trillion... richer than Australia: $1.48 trillion

Texas: $1.89 trillion... richer than Canada: $1.83 trillion

America's northern neighbor is a prosperous nation. Canada has a highly developed mixed economy, which is based on services and energy in the most part. Like Texas, the country has enormous reserves of oil and other natural resources.
California: $3.14 trillion... richer than the UK: $2.83 trillion

The UK has the world's sixth largest economy, not counting California of course, and accounts for a hefty 3.18% of the planet's GDP. Industries in the highly advanced nation, which was the first in the world to industrialize, are diverse, and include financial services, aerospace, pharmaceuticals and retail.
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