Inside the eerie abandoned theme park full of secrets
loveEXPLORING staff
10 February 2020
Spooky shots
Abandoned Southeast
Big plans
Abandoned Southeast
From vision to reality
Abandoned Southeast
A huge investment
Abandoned Southeast
Welcome to Ghost Town in the Sky
Abandoned Southeast
Stunning scenery
Abandoned Southeast
Chairlift up the mountain
Abandoned Southeast
Long way to the top
Abandoned Southeast
A sprawling park
Abandoned Southeast
Peak popularity during the 1970s
Abandoned Southeast
Old West had it all
Abandoned Southeast
Wild West-style entertainment
Abandoned Southeast
Stick 'em up
Abandoned Southeast
Brimming with attractions
Abandoned Southeast
The Red Devil coaster
Abandoned Southeast
Thing started to go wrong
Abandoned Southeast
The end to Coburn's ownership
Abandoned Southeast
Closed for business
Abandoned Southeast
The park reopens
Abandoned Southeast
New additions to Ghost Town
Abandoned Southeast
Shooting gallery in the Heritage Town Square
Abandoned Southeast
The Red Devil becomes the Cliffhanger
Abandoned Southeast
A series of unfortunate events
Abandoned Southeast
Ghost train goes bust
Abandoned Southeast
Things went from bad to worse
Abandoned Southeast
The downward spiral continued
Abandoned Southeast
Mudslide hits Maggie Valley
Abandoned Southeast
Another (partial) reopening
Abandoned Southeast
New beginnings for Ghost Town
Abandoned Southeast
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