5 ways to profit from your leisure time

The right leisure activities don't just cost less, they also put your time to profitable use.
As Britain tightens its belt with inflation and tax rises starting to bite, the amount of money we collectively spend on leisure is coming under the spotlight. Meals out, the cinema, trips to the pub, days out -- all have become potentially expensive pitfalls which can trap even those who are trying to save money, especially with the kids in tow.
And that's before considering shopping as a leisure activity in its own right, as many people do -- eek! How many of those hitting the stores on a Saturday or Sunday do it not because they need to -- but because they're bored?
Here are five tips designed not only to save you money while enjoying your leisure time, but also to put that time to profitable use.
1. Learn a skill
Adult education is a good way of spending time economically, as well as picking up useful (and potentially profitable) skills. You'd probably be surprised at the range of courses available: computer skills, DIY, plumbing, car maintenance, carpentry, creative writing -- even yacht navigation and basic seamanship, which enabled my wife and I to enjoy some inexpensive sailing holidays in Greece and Turkey a few years back.
Libraries usually keep details on the courses available locally, and in addition to the one night a week spent doing the course, homework and assigned projects offer a good excuse for resisting pushy friends keen to entice you out for the evening. ('Sorry! I've got to finish my assignment....')
2. Visit the library!
Talking of the library, don't overlook the role that it can play in your leisure time. Why buy a book to only read it once, when you can borrow it instead? Many libraries also offer DVDs these days too: there's usually a small fee, but it's cheaper than the local rental store, and again, much cheaper than buying. Public museums and art galleries are free, too -- and most put on occasional lectures and talks on topics of interest. It's easier on the wallet than going down the pub or out for a meal -- and easier on the bathroom scales, too.
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And on the topic of bathroom scales, many of us enjoy some form of exercise -- but it isn't necessary to spend a fortune at the gym, or golf/squash/tennis club to do it: public leisure centres are much cheaper. Better still, most of us live near a park or other open space: ditch the expensive membership subscriptions and session fees, and jog, walk or cycle instead.
Why not have a read of Ditch the gym and get fit for free!
3. DIY
You've done that course on plumbing or DIY or basic car maintenance -- well, now it's time to practise what you've learned (even if you've not done an evening course, Haynes manuals like these on car maintenance, and similar books on DIY offer a good grounding). It's no secret that many of us pay professionals to do basic repairs that we could quite easily do ourselves, and save ourselves a hefty sum into the bargain. Recently I replaced a leaky plumbing fitting (and no, I hadn't installed it in the first place!), and fixed an electrical problem with my car's lights.
DIY isn't just limited to repairs and maintenance, either. Properly carried out, DIY household and garden projects not only add to the enjoyment you get from your property, but add value to it -- as well as offering the opportunity for satisfying and relaxing leisure time. Wielding a paint brush isn't difficult, and more ambitious projects -- such as constructing a patio or building some garden furniture -- hold out the prospect of creating leisure space that you'll want to stay at home and enjoy, rather than going out.
Donna Werbner looks at how much you can save by quitting smoking.
And if you have any questions, be sure to pick the brains of your fellow lovemoney.com users over at our Q&A section.
4. Gardening for profit
Gardens aren't just for patios and lounging on deck chairs, of course. They can also be a great source of fresh fruit and vegetables -- especially when combined with a greenhouse. Most gardens have a patch of land that can be used for growing crops for the kitchen, and even if you don't have a garden, you can apply for an allotment -- local councils usually keep details of what's on offer. Eating food you've grown yourself is very satisfying, and the taste is superb.
Needless to say, it's also time well spent when it comes to the monthly food bill!
5. Stay on top of your finances
Finally, devote some leisure time to personal finance. You probably do some of this already -- you're reading lovemoney.com after all! -- but it's amazing the difference that putting aside a couple of hours on a regular basis can make.
Most of us come across ideas that sound interesting, but which we never get round to following up or researching. Well, make time! Search for the best ISA or savings account! And pay that credit card bill before incurring that late fee! Since putting aside a couple of hours on a Sunday morning on a regular basis, I've certainly noticed quite a difference in my own personal affairs.
This is a lovemoney.com classic article, originally published in July 2007 and updated
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