Leaks In Your Home Insurance

Updated on 16 December 2008 | 0 Comments

Here are some insurance tips to make sure that you don't end up paying for the costs of water damage.

Halifax Home Insurance says that if you have a water meter and you leave your taps running unnecessarily, you are 'literally pouring money down the drain'. I'm going to assume it meant 'figuratively', as I don't believe you're really getting bags of coins and tipping them into the water disposal pipes. (The best 'literally' mistake ever, according to The Fool's editor, is when Prince Edward said on a documentary: 'George VI was literally catapulted onto the throne'. Now that would have been something to see!)

Pedantic comments aside, Halifax has produced some interesting figures. It reckons that over the past five years, 17m of us, whether we have home insurance or not, have been affected by damage caused by water leaks. The cost of these each year is a massive £1.8bn.

The damage is caused by washing machines, showers, burst pipes, leaking baths, dishwashers and burst water tanks. It's also be caused by human error, such as leaving water to overflow when filling up baths and sinks.

Glossing over Halifax's uninspired suggestion that you turn off your taps when you're not using them, it did come up with other tips, some of which may be worth considering:

From my experience in the general insurance industry, I would add these tips:

I think we can safely now say that it makes sense to read and understand your home insurance small print before sitting back and letting your house collapse around you. Otherwise, you'll be up that creek without a paddle...literally.

> What are you waiting for? Compare home insurance through The Fool.
> Halve The Cost Of Home Insurance


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