Your shout: should we legalise and tax drugs?

Updated on 24 January 2012 | 25 Comments

As Sir Richard Branson proposes relaxing laws and regulating illegal drugs, let us know what you think.

The issue of legalising drugs is back on the political agenda. This follows an appearance by Sir Richard Branson before the Commons Home Affair Committee, where he argued drugs should be legalised, regulated and taxed.

Branson said that the 20% of police time and £200 million spent on prosecuting people for drug possession would be better spent targeting the gangs who supply the drugs.

He is the first witness to appear in front of the committee’s inquiry on drug policy.

Regulation and taxation of illegal drugs has been proposed periodically, although an inquiry 10 years ago, with David Cameron on the committee, rejected legislation and decriminalisation.

What do you think about legalising drugs? Could it be both a better way to control the supply and to raise much-needed revenue for the Treasury? Have your say in the Comments box below.

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