Big budget month day 31: stick to your goals

You've found ways to save money. Now you need to stick with it!

So by now you have probably found plenty of ways in which to save a few quid each month. Identifying those areas is just the easy bit, though. The tough part is sticking to your new budgeting methods, and not falling back into old, expensive habits.

So how do you stick to your goals?

Enjoy the success

It shouldn’t take too long for you to start seeing some evidence of your budgeting measures, in the form of a slightly healthier bank balance. Enjoy that success, indulge yourself in it.

Log onto MoneyTrack every couple of days so you can see exactly how much better your total financial position is looking.

Getting your finances in shape can be a long-term job, so enjoying the pigeon steps of progress should help keep you motivated. If need be, break your big goals down into a monthly saving target. You can even budget for a small treat each month to reward yourself when you hit that target!

Cut yourself some slack

There will be months when things don’t quite go to plan, when the money out column is a little bigger than you hoped. It happens. Don’t be too hard on yourself, just try to put it right the next month.

And don’t use a poor month or two as an excuse to give up entirely!

Tell other people

Don’t keep your savings plans to yourself. Tell your friends and family about them. That way you have people to talk to when it gets difficult, people who can support and cheer you on. They may even start doing something similar, so you can save together!


Look at your past for triggers that create 'bad' behaviours. Is it that you don't make extra money because you attempt it when you're tired? In that case, plan to do it when you'll be more awake.

When you're stressed or busy, your plan can collapse. A flexible plan helps, but you must also be mentally prepared for these harder times.

Big picture

If all else fails, try to keep the big picture in mind. Go back to the goals themselves, remind yourself of why you are saving in the first place.

Whether it’s putting your child through University, becoming debt-free or buying your first home, if you can keep that goal in mind it makes it a bit easier if you’re having beans on toast for dinner rather than a takeaway pizza!

Big budget month so far:
Big budget month day one: how to plan a budget
Big budget month day two: looking at your spending

Big budget month day three: setting your goals
Big budget month day four: make sure you're not missing out on money
Big budget month day five: cut your transport costs

Big budget month day six: save money on food
Big budget month day seven: save money on your energy

Big budget month day eight: cut your utilities spending
Big budget month day nine: have a posh packed lunch on a budget!

Big budget month day ten: how to eat out for less
Big budget month day 11: cancel subscriptions and memberships

Big budget month day 12: how direct debits can save you money

Big budget month day 13: save on music, TV, movies and games

Big budget month day 14: save money by stopping smoking

Big budget month day 15: how to have a holiday for less
Big budget month day 16: where to find cheap clothes
Big budget month day 17: the best places to find freebies

Big budget month day 18: cheap nights out

Big budget month day 19: find voucher codes

Big budget month day 20: recycle your things for cash!

Big budget month day 21: make tax-free cash from your spare room

Big budget month day 22: easy ways to make money

Big budget month day 23: cheap and free days out

Big budget month day 24: find unclaimed money and assets
Big budget month day 25: switch insurance, mortgage, cards and loans

Big budget month day 26: earn cashback and loyalty points

Big budget month day 27: clear your debts

Big budget month day 28: how to start saving

Big budget month day 29: avoid these savings mistakes

Big budget month day 30: spend less and have more!



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