How to have a cheap Halloween

Are the kids already on your case about Hallowe'en? Here's how you can celebrate the pagan festival for less.

Spooky celebrations don’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Here's a quick guide to keeping your little ones entertained for just a few pounds.

Make or buy?

Making your kids’ Halloween costumes is the traditional way forward and will probably work out cheaper than buying them all new. It’ll also ensure your child is wearing something completely unique (although maybe not in a good way!).

There are several sites that offer step-by-step guides to making various Halloween costumes, including Activity Village.

Here you can learn how to turn a rubbish bag and some white tape into a skeleton costume, or if you're feeling slightly braver and trust your sewing skills, you can find out how to make fabulous witch costumes. 

However, if you can’t sew to save your life, there is a financial case for buying the costumes and decorations new. Most fancy dress outfits can be bought pretty cheaply, with many high street and online retailers are selling entire costumes for just a few pounds.

Creative moneysaving

Even if you’re not a creative genius, there are still some things you can do to make your children’s Halloween go with a bang. What about…

Cobweb curtains: Slowly tease out sheets of cotton wool and suspend from the ceiling.

Atmosphere: Buy a coloured light-bulb and substitute it for your normal one to completely alter the atmosphere.

The cold hand of fear: You can make a scary ice sculpture for the price of a pair of Marigolds.

Just fill a pair of washing-up gloves with water and stick them in the freezer for ‘ice hands’. Peel off the gloves for an impressive party centrepiece. Add red food dye or rubber creepy crawlies (frozen in the ice) for an extra-sinister effect!

Spooky soundtrack: Website Halloween Horror Sounds is currently letting users download certain Halloween sound effects for free. If you’re computer-savvy, edit them together into a spooky party soundtrack.

Recipe ideas: The BBC Food website currently has a page dedicated to Halloween recipe ideas, with a full children’s party menu for you to prepare.

Finally…Tall Mouse: This oddly-named American craft website is a great resource if you’re feeling a bit uncreative.

It’s Halloween section has loads of affordable ideas for making Halloween decorations, along with clear step-by-step instructions. Just be aware some of them could take a bit of time, so get started now!

Games Galore

Finally, if you're looking for some fanastic ideas for Halloween party games, take a look at this little lot.

The doughnut game: Hang some ringed doughnuts from a length of string and suspend at a height that's suitable for the kids. The children must then keep their hands behind their backs and try to eat the doughnuts.

Apple bobbing: Make this traditional game extra scary by filling the bobbing tub with milk and adding red food colouring. Add enough colouring until the milk resembles bright red blood. Add the apples and let the children take turns bobbing for them.

If you have any kids who don't want to put their face in the milk, you could tie the stems of apples to string and then hang them up instead.

Pass the pumpkin: Similar to 'pass the parcel' - every child sits in a circle and once the music starts, the kids pass round a small pumpkin. When the music stops, whoever is holding the pumpkin is 'out' and must leave the circle.

Continue playing until there's only one person left - you could give the winner a small prize such as a bag of sweets or chocolate.

Wrap the mummy: Get some cheap toilet roll and see who can use it to wrap up their friend the fastest.

Sleeping vampires: Similar to sleeping lions - all children lie down and the one who stays still the longest is the winner. Not only will this game allow you to enjoy some peace and quiet, but you also won't need to spend any money on props!

Pumpkin carving competition: Ask all of your guests to bring their own carved pumpkin and give a prize for the best one. As well as providing a bit of fun, the extra pumpkins will add to the decorations!

Happy Hallowe’en!

This is a classic article which has been updated.


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