Improve your credit score: the quick dos and don'ts

Updated on 12 March 2009 | 2 Comments

Here are some practical steps that could help you improve your credit score.

So you think credit scores are built from complicated statistical models that you can't do anything about? Well, I've worked in banking for 12 years and while true to a degree, there are practical tips that you can take to improve your credit score today.   

Before I go though the quick dos and don'ts, you have to think like a bank. Look at yourself and ask:

You need to give yourself honest answers to the questions above, a bank will see things in black and white when it makes its decision.

The Dos

2)      Check your history - Regularly check your credit records. These are used by banks to score you; incorrect data could mean you will be declined through no fault of your own. It is quick and if you use it is free for 30 days. You must remember to cancel before the 30 day limit unless you want to monitor your report on a regular basis.

3)      Get credit and use it well - You don't need to get into debt to do this, you simply need to show you can responsibly use credit. A credit card paid monthly and a mobile phone on a monthly tariff are good starting points. Get these now to significantly help future scores.     

4)      Show stability - This can be trickier because people change jobs and move home. That said, a joint application, including a land-line number, or using your oldest active bank account in an application will only help. If you know that you are changing job or moving home carefully plan when you are applying for credit as you are 'less stable' after a move.  

The Don'ts

Finally if you do get declined, it is not the end of the world. It is not necessarily a reflection on you, but a calculation based on groups of people that have similar characteristics to you. The days of talking to your local bank manager are long gone; so keep abreast of how banks operate to give yourself the best chance of approval.  

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