Bank of England holds Base Rate again in June

Base Rate remains at 0.5%.

The Bank of England has once again frozen Bank Base rate at 0.5%.

Base Rate has sat at this record low for more than six years now.

Inflation dropped into negative territory last month, for the first time since 1960, which hasn't helped the case for a rise. However, the minutes from last month's meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee - the Bank of England's team of economists who decide Base Rate policy - revealed that two members were close to voting for a rise. 

Despite this, the markets have not priced in a rise until well into 2016.

What it means for your money

[SPOTLIGHT]It's still a terrific time to be a borrower, with record low mortgage and personal loan rates to enjoy. For the latest market-leading mortgages, check out The best fixed rate mortgages and The best tracker mortgages.

Savers still face a tough time getting a decent return on their money though. Be sure to read Where to earn most interest on your cash.

More from loveMONEY:

The best fixed rate mortgages

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