Win £250 and merchandise

Fancy a cheque for £250? Take our surveys and be in with a chance to win cold hard cash - and funky merchandise!

To be in with a chance to win £250 and oodles of merchandise, simply answer the following surveys:

Best and worst insurer

This survey is interested in which insurers offer the best and worst home contents, life insurance, car insurance and travel insurance policies. We will then report on what you say in our articles!  It's extremely easy to do. Take this survey now to enter the competition.

The best and worst value car brands

This survey is interested in which cars are worth buying. If you own a car, please take our survey to enter the competition. It's short, and easy.


Each survey gets you one entry into the competition. You can take both surveys if you want to - in fact, we'd love it if you did - and then you'd be entered into the competition twice! Each survey takes a matter of minutes, so please do take both!

Terms and conditions

Please read this information carefully:

This free prize draw is open to all UK residents aged 16 or over except for employees of, their families, agencies or any other company directly connected with the administration of this promotion, who complete registration on the website and submit a valid username.

  • 1. All registrations must be completed by 3rd January 2010, to be valid entries in the draw.
  • 2. Third party registrations will not be accepted.
  • 3. The draw will be made by 1st February 2010.
  • 4. There is one prize of £250 to be won. The winner of this prize and three runners up will receive the merchandise shown in this picture.
  • 5. The winner will be drawn at random from all valid entries received and will be notified by email within 96 hours of the actual draw date.
  • 6. No alternative prize is available and the prize is not transferable.
  • 7. The winner may be asked to participate in non paid publicity accompanying or resulting from this draw.
  • 8. By entering the free prize draw, entrants agree to be bound by the rules and by any other requirements set out in promotional material.
  • 9. The promoter ( reserves the right to amend terms and conditions of the prize draw or cancel at any time in the event of fraudulent activity.


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